Showing Jobs : 34371 - 34380 Total 52718

As a Lowe's Retail Sales Associate Part-Time, you are the key to our customers'positive shopping experiences. You will be the smiling person who greet...

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Job Description CUSTOMER-FIRST! (BRING OUR SERVICE MODEL TO LIFE: FRIENDLY, EASY, ACCURATE) * You are responsible for executing best in class sales an...

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As a Lowe's Retail Sales Associate Part-Time, you are the key to our customers'positive shopping experiences. You will be the smiling person who greet...

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Utilizes point of sale system to complete sales transactions and processes exchanges and returns. Designs appealing store displays, replenishes stock...

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AutoZone's Part-Time Retail Sales Associates drive sales through superior customer service by exceeding customer expectations and providing a WOW! Cus...

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AutoZone's Part-Time Retail Sales Associates drive sales through superior customer service by exceeding customer expectations and providing a WOW! Cus...

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RETAIL STORE TAILORALTERATIONS FINE TAILORED CAREERS Every day is a day to make somebody smile at Mens Wearhouse, a division of Tailored Brands. We he...

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AutoZone's Full-Time Senior Retail Sales Associate drives sales through superior customer service by exceeding customer expectations and providing a W...

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Expand your career possibilities. Thank you for dedicating your time and talent to Lowe's. We want to give you more opportunities to learn and grow, s...

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AutoZone's Full-Time Senior Retail Sales Associate drives sales through superior customer service by exceeding customer expectations and providing a W...

Apply Now 5 hours ago

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